A happy and prosperous 2019 everybody!
Let’s start this year off right and do a giveaway! The folks over at Goldspot Pens provided us with an Opus 88 Koloro fountain pen to review last year… click here for review just in case you missed it. We wanted to do a giveaway a while back. Things happen… people forget… and well, that’s all in the past now!
It’s a New Year Giveaway y’all! Who’s ready?!! Many, many thanks again to Goldspot Pens for providing this pen!
To Enter:
- Follow us on Instagram, @handoverthatpen, and/or Facebook,
Hand Over That Pen, and tag a friend to share this giveaway. or — - Comment on this blog with your stationery related resolutions for 2019, if you have none, just let us know what pen and ink you’re currently writing with.
Other Details:
- This giveaway will be open for entries from now, 01/09/2019 until 01/15/2019, 11:59pm Pacific Time.
- Winner will be drawn and announced shortly within the month of January.
- Each person can potentially have 3 entries for this giveaway. Only one entry per person in each platform please.
- This giveaway is open internationally, however we are not responsible for any taxes, customs fees or duties that may be applied, and will be shipping without tracking due to cost.

My resolutions for 2019 are as follows:
1. Finish my bottle of Rohrer & Klingner Verdigris (my failed attempt at the empty ink bottle challenge).
2. Potentially finish more inks. I have 6 candidates that are already half empty.
3. Use more of my inks in a pen. I have 15 bottles and ~85 samples that I’ve never written with.
4. Be more deliberate with my purchases. Less cheap stuff, instead a few high quality ones.
1. Practice handwriting with a fountain pen again! Have been typing too much these past few years.
2. Find myself some ink that looks like dried blood.
3. Get myself a left-handed nib.
Currently using two Rotring 600s, one with Parker’s Ruby ink, another with Lamy’s Turquoise ink. I need me that Opus 88, guys!
Fingers crossed.
Right now I’m using a Bexley Demeter with Pelikan Olivine & a Birmingham A demo clear with Robert Oster Crocodile Green. I need not to buy any stationery until I run out of what I have. Philly Pen show here I come.
Pilot Metropolitan with Raduga 2 ink
1. Finish at least one bottle of ink.
2. I am curently writing with a Twisbi Eco inked up with Waterman Encre Havane.
What a generous giveaway! I’ve wanted one of these pens ever since they first came out. You asked about stationery related new year resolution, so here it is: after two years using a Hobonichi Techo for my journal jurney, I switched to an A6 nanami café note to continue the entries with. So far so good. I’m learning about date placement and some other things I took for granted with the Hobo. This will be a work in progress for the whole year as I change formats along the way.
Finish one bottle of ink
Working on binding my own books, YearCompass, and currently writing with a Sailor pocket pen with Seiboku.
Thanks for a lovely opportunity!
My resolutions are to journal more and narrow down my list of currently Inked pens (I’m at 45 right now).
Write more, finish a bottle of ink, try my first Platinum and Sailor pens!
My goal is to try to stick to my traveler’s notebook and hobonichi weeks for the year. I am using a TWSBI ECO inked with JHerbin rouge grenat. Im obsessed with that ink right now! Soo beautiful!
My resolution is to consolidate my collection. Sell things I sort of like and retain/acquire things I do like. Inspired by the guy I met yesterday with 3 fountain pens- two Custom 823s and a Vanishing Point.
1. Buy less pens, but more premium ones
2. Try out different nib sizes and filling systems
3. learn to mix ink
For 2019 I’d love to round out my collection a bit better. I want to get into Franklin Christoph pens and collect a few different nibs and grinds from them to try out!
My resolution is to finish a bottle of ink…any ink at this point because I have too many. My other resolution is to make myself a fountain pen that I love using more than the pens I’ve purchased.
My resolution is to thin out my horde… I mean collection. Down to just what I need and use.
My resolution is to win an online contest for 2019 and get a new pen. Seriously, I think my resolution is to keep track of the pens I already own.
I’m waiting for a couple of pens in the mail, but am writing with a Moonman M2 inked up with Waterman Audacious Red Ink at the moment … hopefully it will soon be an Opus 88?
Hoping to…
1. Not go crazy on buying as many pens and ink as last year. Maximum of 3 pens in 2019 and 5 inks in 2019!
2. Write daily whether it be a journal or to penpals.
3. Have fun!
My resolution is to finish at least one bottle of ink! Currently writing with my Sailor Professional Gear inked with Colorverse Golden Record.
Simple: Finish a bottle of ink (finally).
Thanks for the giveaway!
My goals for 2019 include narrowing down my selection of paper stationery to only fountain-pen friendly ones, and maybe to finally finish a whole bottle of ink this year!
Only buy premium pens and thin out my collection of cheapish pens. To write and draw more and to enjoy my stationery.
Vanishing point M, Waterman mysterious blue.
No resolutions. Using a kaweco lilac al sport with a kaweco (summer?) purple cartridge.
I would really like to finally finish an entire bottle of ink!
My resolution is to write a bit in the 5 year diary every day and use more of the stationary I buy.
My stationary resolutions are, to buy a Custom 823.
Hope I get to realize it.
I’m currently writing with a Sheaffer Balance broad with Lamy Green ink.
My immediate goal it to slowly empty my cup of 10 inked pens to get it down to a more manageable number. Longer term- learn how to write cursive again!
My resolution for the moment is Chinese fountain pens, as they are now cheap and nothing to envy to other brands.
I’m writing with a Sailor Morita mini with Kwz Menthol Green.
I really need to actually use some of my hoard of notebooks and paper pads. For someone that collects fountain pens I don’t actually write that much.
1. Use more ink.
2. Use the pens I prefer more than trying to force myself to like the pens I think I should use.
3. Use more paper.
My goal is to write more letters home when I’m on vacation. Last year, I spent too much time doing activities and not enough time writing back.
My resolution is to not bankrupt myself on all the pens and ink I want!
VP, Asa-Gao
I would like to finish a bottle of ink by the end of the year.
My resolutions for 2019 is unfortunately having to sell a good bit of my collection for Medical reasons. I plan to continue my card writing for my Church’s Care Team & to get back to writing more letters to my Pen pals. Thank you for the chance to win this Gorgeous Opus88!! I’ve drooled over this pen since they first came out! God Bless & the Love of Christ to you all!!
My resolutions for this year is to collect more PenBBS pens, and only acquire other pens through giveaways. Jeppesk on instagram.
My resolution is to use more of what I have, instead of continuing to buy more pens and inks, sometimes never even taking them out of packaging. Use, instead of collect.
Well, my resolution is to wait until February to buy another pen. I am terrible at keeping to them so I expect I’ll fail again this year 🤣
My resolutions are to try some new inks, use my fountain pens more often and try my hand at grinding an architect nib!
I’m hoping to get the Writer’s Notebook this year, which would be my first time using Tomoe River paper! At the moment, I have 21 pens inked… so let’s just say – my latest purchase was TWSBI 580AL Rose (with a MCI nib!), and I’m using Momiji inside. Amazing!
Daily handwriting practice, near-daily Italian writing, faster turnaround for snail mail (written with FPs of course)
I never finished my 2018 emptyinkbottle, so that’s by default on the list for 19. Other than that, I hope to up my penmaking game.
– test out and maybe launch an ink review blog
– get back into journaling
My plan for 2019 is to take more pictures and be better at sharing my pen collection and experiences with the community through photos.
I must spend less on pens. Winning one would help.
Sailor 1911 Standard in Anchor Gray with Noodlers Lexington Gray ink
Thank fornthis awesome giveaway! The Koloro is such an amazing pen! My resolution this year is to start blogging. My posts on IG as Inkantadora are getting longer and I need more space 😊.
I am writing with a Franklin Christoph filled with Parker black ink.
My New Year’s pen resolution is to eventually save enough to buy a Waterman’s Sérénité Cocobolo Fountain Pen. I have it bad…
My first goal is to attend my first Pen Show which I am sure will inspire new goals!
My resolution is to love and use what I have (so I can buy more ink when these run out!)
No resolutions, but I’m currently writing with my new Leonardo Officina Italiana Momento Zero (how’s that for a mouthful?), and Diamine Blue Velvet!
I am not writing with anything special “write” now since all of y belongings are in storage 🙁 I could resolve to write with an Opus 88 Koloro fountain pen, but I will need some help with that. Thanks
my stationery related resolutions for 2019 are to write to my daughter, my grandaughter and my son at least once a month.
My resolutions for 2019:
1 – Improve my handwriting with a fountain pen
2 – Use more my Lamy Joy with a 1.5mm nib
3 – Finish my bottle of Diamine Steel Blue
My resolution is to improve my normal handwriting (man, that is going to take some work), and learn at least two new calligraphy typefaces.
For 2019, I’d like to write more letters, use more of the notebooks that I’ve purchased and improve my handwriting. Thanks for the great giveaway!
My resolution is to keep some good pens inked, and use them to write, every day, in one of my expanding collection of notebooks (Field Notes, etc.)!
My resolution… No more pens or inks til I use up what I have and sell off older stock!
I started a happiness journal this year. Everyday I write down one happy thing. Simple and to the point.
1. Do not buy more notebooks until the ones I have are filled up
2. Increase writing speed
3. Start sketching every day
My resolution for 2019 is to get another Nakaya 😁
I want to use up my ink samples. I started the year with 78, and I want to be below that by year’s end.
My resolution is to only buy a few bottles of ink this year, and use more ink in general. I’m super behind on all of my letter writing, so I’m wanting to catch up on that and burn through some ink in the process.
My goal this year is to use up at least half my 113 samples
I’m using a tactile turn glider in ti with the easyflow 900 cartridge.
I would like to win this pen.
Write, write, write some more! Kara’s Fountain K 1.1mm stub, KWZ IG Turquoise
Pilot Custom Heritage 91 (Broad nib) with Pilot Iroshizuku Yama-budo Ink
Hoping to keep up as much as I can for the two hobonichi’s (journaling/scrapbooking in the A6 Techo and budgeting in the Weeks) and drawing in the Traveller’s Week+Memo I started this year. Fingers crossed.
I want to
a) enjoy all the inks I have and not keep getting suckered into buying more
b) learn how to grind my own nibs
c) carry on sketching and journaling with the setup I used last year -using watercolour over ink drawing (platinum preppy with platinum carbon black)
d) teach my daughter how to refill cartridges with different inks and clean her pens properly!
> Comment on this blog with your stationery related resolutions for 2019
* make a fountain pen — I’ve done nibwork and repairs, but nothing whole cloth yet
* workshop/edit the book I’m hand-writing — this started as a character development exercise, but it kept going. At 5 notebooks in, I don’t think it’s a “short story” anymore.
I just discovered your Instagram page and now blog through Goldspot Pens 🙂
I’m currently using the Pelikan M200 with Diamine Caramel Sparkle. I’m halfway through a letter, but still not writing nearly as much and enough as I’d like, so that’s certainly my resolution for this year!
My resolution is to finally make it to a SF posse and see my pen friends again! I suppose I also resolve to continue buying notebooks as though I’m going to live to the age of 241.
No stationary related resolutions, but this month’s journal entries are being written with a Franklin-Christoph 31 with Iroshizuku Take-sumi ink.
My resolution is to work on my handwriting through participating in challenges like the rockyourhandwriting or planwithme challenges, this will also encourage me to use my collection of idle notebooks.
Currently using a WingSung 698 fine nib demonstrator with Parker Washable Blue.
My New Years Resolution initially was to not buy any more fountain pens. I broke my resolution three days into 2019 😅
Have started with a 2019 journal as a resolution. I’ve currently inked my Nemosine Singularity with Pilot Blue Black, my fave ink at the moment.
I want to work on my handwriting this year, and maybe get a few more pens.
In 2019, I want to stop buying new pens and new inks. I want to buy more vintage pens.
Saving up for an FP with gold nib, maybe Pilot Custom 823
Thanks for the lovely giveaway. I am basically entering, hoping to win for my daughter, who has recently taken up my love of calligraphy.
I want to buy fewer pocket notebooks this year and meet more stationery people in person
I don’t have stationary specific resolutions, but I am hoping to journal more consistently this year. Today I’m writing with my TWSBI Eco and Diamine Pink Champagne. It’s beautiful!
Currently writing with a Wing Sung 698 and using Pelikan Turquoise Ink!
I am writing with Moonman M100 inked with Brilliant Brown Pelikan 4001
My resolution is to buy a nice notebook cover
It’s not a resolution, but I anticipate I will buy fewer new fountain pens and more paper and inks. Just the way things have been going lately. My resolution is to make more art with all these fun supplies!
I’m trying very hard to put stick with one or two notebooks instead of the normal 6 or 7. Then I’m not searching for something I wrote down as much as usual!
I switching colors this year from green to sapphire blue. At least a while maybe not all year.
My resolution is to learn the basics of creating my own fountain pens this year.
Using a variety of vintage fountain pens from 1930s,40s and 50s.
My resolution is to buy 1 special pen this year (only 1). The choice is already made, I will wait for the opportunity of a good deal, I chose Aurora Optima.
Current favorite pen is TWSBI Eco – transparent green (M) with Diamine Sherwood Green.
Not really a resolution, but after years of using only a digital planner, I’m committed to trying an actual written planner. Decided to use a Hobonichi Weeks.
Stationery resolution for 2019: Use more dot-grid paper, probably Rhodia.
Pen and ink currently writing with: Classic Pens/Lambrou Pens LB5 Midorigi Green #47/50 (a 50 pen limited edition based on the Sailor King of Pens/King Profit) with 21k gold medium Sailor 1911 nib, inked with Sailor Jentle Four Seasons Tokiwa-matsu (pine green) ink.
I have 3 resolutions this year:
1. Sell or giveaway any pen, and any ink, that I don’t love. If it’s collecting dust, let it go.
2. Only purchase pens and inks that truly speak to me. No more FOMO!
3. Write every day. Long or shot. Write.
Stationery resolutions for 2019:
1. Fix at least one of the heirloom pens I’ve acquired
2. Use that pen to correspond with family and friends
My EDC is a Pilot Metropolitan currently inked with my own inksperiment with Pilot Iroshizuku Yama-budo and Lamy Black. It came out as a deep dark magenta which can pass off as black – safe for work!
I am currently writing with Kanilea Pens Hanauma Bay. It’s inked with California Teal. Writes like butter!
Well, my only resolution is that there are some inks I really like, that I didn’t inked up for a while, so I want to use them again this year. I’m also thinking of switching up my regular pens a bit more, or maybe reconsider my collection 🙂
I’m writing with a Lamy Studio Fine nib with Pilot Blue ink. It’s a blast from the past: I bought it ~7 years ago and never thought I would use a metal snap cap pen with a Lamy F nib as my daily planner/work pen over more expensive pens (e.g. Pilot 823)!
Pilot Explorer with iroshizuku ama-iro ink. All good!
1. To avoid spilling ink down my front this year. Last year I did it three times in one week, so optimism is not high. 2. To focus on one ink color per month, in order to hone in on what my favs in each family are. I need a base o’bottles. January was Blue, February will be Purple, March will be Greens and so on, give or take. 3. To use my Hobonichi planner to the max.
My resolutions include:
1. Write letters on time more often!
2. Go through my ink sample collection.
3. Enjoy what I have – try not to buy anything until the SF show possibly.
We’ll see how I do.
This year my goal is to write meaningfully with a fountain pen every day. More analog. Less digital.
My hope this year is to reduce the number of “currently inked” pens to less than 20 AND to clean my babies as I go. Dried ink is not fun! Cleaning more than 15 pens in a go is not fun either 😬.
– I am curently writing with a Twsbi 580 Diamond inked up with Organics Studio Nitrogen Royal Blue
I’ve got a few but my pen related ones are:
1. Get my first Franklin-Christoph
2. Write a few ink/pen reviews
3. Explore more paper
My resolution is to keep enjoying the beautiful pens I already own (especially a new Leonardo Momento Zero Hawaii Blue), and not spend too much money on new pens!
I’m just getting started so I guess my resolution will be to learn as much as I can regarding proper use and care.
1. Write a letter a week, minimum – this includes while on vacation and/or traveling
2. Finish at least two bottles of ink
3. Categorize all existing journals & either streamline their use or retire them
1. Use 100ml of ink (doesn’t have to be all from the same bottle).
2. Finish a notebook that I started.
3. Get back into writing letters.
Most important, enjoy what I already have and make sure that if I bring something new home, I will love it, not bring something home just because of FOMO. Use more of what I already have, basically, and be grateful for it.
1) Branch out more with inks – granted, I already use blue, black, *and* blue-black, but there must be other colors out there.
2) Embrace shading. As much as I love my EEEEEEF nibs, they don’t leave much ink on the paper.
3) Try to spend less on pens than on food. I’m sure I can eat less.
1) Write a book! This is going to take a lot of paper and ink but I am off to a good start in 2019.
2) Keep a daily journal
3)Try my hand at calligraphy
Currently writing with a Fraklin-Christoph model 03 and Robert Oster deep purple.
I’m currently writing with my Pilot Metropolitan, but my 2019 resolution is to get a pen with a flex nib and work on my calligraphy style writing with it! I want to sample some inks with good shading to find one I love this year too!
Buy more ink! Only two Waterman inks last year…must do better.
1) Budget for a kick-ass maki-e pen this year–maybe even 2!
2) Obtain a bottle of Akkerman Vermeer’s Kobaltblauw #11.
3) Write more longhand.
4) Recover the dining room table (buried in pen paraphernalia) by turning the “office” (storage closet) into a pen & writing studio.
My 2019 stationery resolutions are simple.
– Be more consistent in my letter writing.
– Use Tomoe River paper more often when I write letters.
– Always use the best quality pens available.
My resolution is to write more, to help me organize my thoughts and improve my penmanship.
My 2019 resolution is practise my calligraphy skills and to become good enough to start my own business!
On a personal note, I’ll compose more handwritten journal entries. Professionally, will handwrite thank you cards (during December) to all my clients.
I want to stay up to date on my goal lists!
My resolution for 2019 is to journal more. I’m trying to shoot for daily gratitude journaling.
Parker Vacumatic + Pelikan Dark Green ink.
At least until I get interested in another pen.
And I want to get back to writing again.
Been way too busy being a photo advisor for the Carlmont High yearbook.
My resolution is to continue practicing my handwriting and try to do more journaling.
I came across this pen from this blog, it’s such a cool design!!
My resolution for this year, is to journal more efficiently so that I can work on better habits and routines this year. I’m working on keeping my finances written down so I’m able to save more and work on long-term goals rather than just buying things for the here and now. Also, just working on having a more productive mindset when journalling so that I am working towards my own goals and projects and not running down negative spirals.
Here’s to a happier and more successful 2019 for everyone!
1) Finish a bottle of ink
2) Work on my handwriting by writing out passages from literature or wisdom /sayings etc
3) Develop a more coherent collecting strategy than ‘0hhh that’s pretty!’
My resolutions are:
1) Introduce at least a few people to fountain pens
2) Finish a bottle of ink
3) Have as much fun writing with my current pens as possible
Anything beyond that would just be a bonus.
My new year’s resolution for 2019 is to keep up with the bullet journal I’ve started and also to use my fountain pens more in sketching and Chinese writing practice!
My 2019 resolutions are:
1) To fill every page of my 2019 planner/journal.
2) To methodically plan my 2020 planner/journal and have all of the odds and ends I need to outfit it by October
3) To work on my calligraphy so I’m not dependent on lined “training wheel” paper
4) Build up a stash of fun stationary to use as student incentives for jobs-well-done
I wish everyone luck with their stationary resolutions!
I have a goal of writing 5 letters this year. I’d also like to round out my ink collection with full bottles of a couple I liked in sample form. My current favorite pen/ink combo is a Serwex 1362 demo (FPR M nib) with Waterman Serenity Blue. They just flow well together.
I just want to write more letters. They’re such an unexpected pleasure these days!
This year, I’m continuing my daily log process that worked so well last year, and am now going to hand write my own recipe collection book. Using some Levenger discs and nice paper, I want to make an archive of what I like to cook so I can pass it on to my kids later.
Currently inked: TWSBI AL Extra Fine with Diamine Ancient Copper
Currently, as in still, using a Pilot Metropolitan with Diamine Saddle Brown.
My stationery resolutions for 2019 are:
1.) Start writing in my daily gratitude log again.
2.) Keep practicing my fast cursive!
Finish one bottle of ink