2017 Fountain Pen Day Giveaway!

It’s that time of the year again — Fountain Pen Day!

While we absolutely believe that every day is fountain pen day, the first Friday of November is quite special because we get to celebrate our favorite writing instrument throughout the world in unison. This is also a day or a weekend wherein different deals and discounts are offered by our favorite retailers. Check out the Sponsors tab of the FPD website for more info on these deals.

More importantly, Fountain Pen Day is also a great time to share the joys of writing with a fountain pen to family, and friends!

To celebrate, we the trio, are running a giveaway with three prizes for three lucky winners:

  1. A limited edition green demonstrator Oeste Prera fountain pen
  2. A bottle of the 2017 limited edition Lamy Petrol ink
  3. A bottle of one of our favorite inks — Sailor Jentle Yama-dori

To Enter:

  1. Follow us on instagram, @handoverthatpen & regram our giveaway image or post a picture of your favorite fountain pen and ink with the hashtag #hotp2017FPDGAW (Please make sure your account is public so we can find it! And no giveaway accounts.) or —
  2. Comment on this blog entry with your favorite fountain pen and ink (not necessarily a pairing)

The giveaway is open from now, 11/03/2017 until 11/10/2017 11:59pm Pacific time. One entry per person please.

The giveaway is open internationally, but we aren’t responsible for any taxes, customs fees or duties that may be applied, and will be shipping without tracking due to cost.

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  1. Favorite fountain pen and ink… that’s hard! How about favorite of the moment? My vintage Pelikan M120 with good old Hero black ink. It just looks and feels timeless.

    Thank you for doing this giveaway! And thank you for HOTP!

  2. Hmmm…. Fav ink and pen; that is hard to narrow down. I find myself using my F-C P66 daily. The size fits my hand perfectly, and the Masuyama MCI nib has just the right amount of feedback for me. It was my first F-C pen. As for ink, I consistantly go back to F-C Spanish Blue. Different enough that it isn’t your typical pen blue, but not to crazy that I can’t use it for work.

  3. Great giveaway! Fave fountain pen is hard, but Iโ€™ll go with my Pilot Vanishing Point Crimson Sunrise (right now). Ink would be Diamine Meadow. Such a gorgeous green & nice shading. ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š

  4. If I had to pick my favorite pen and leave all the rest behind? Tough question, but I guess it would be my Lamy 2000. It was my grail pen for over a decade, and when I finally got it it did not disappoint.
    Ink? I’ve fallen for Noodler’s General of the Armies. Beautiful green. I mean, blue. Wait, green – no, blue.

  5. Favorite fountain pen and ink pairing at the moment is my TWSBI Eco 1.1 stub with Iroshizuku Kon Peki. The stub is a smooth writer and I just love watching the blue in the demonstrator body.

  6. Lately, my favorite fountain pen has been my Franklin-Christoph Model 20 with a medium SIG nib. So smooth, and so much fun to write with. And my old standby ink for use anywhere for anything is Sailor Jentle Miruai. This black-with-green-undertones works for everything Iโ€™ve thrown at it.

  7. Hello! Thanks for the giveaway. My favourite current combo is my Pilot Custom Heritage 91 with Diamine Asa Blue.

  8. What a lovely giveaway! My current favorite pen is my Kara’s Decograph and it’s filled with Pilot Iroshizuku Yama Budo. Love that purple and sheen. Happy FPD!

  9. I’m a lush for great shading and smooth nibs. My favorite ink is Noodler’s Apache Sunset with a Faber-Castell Loom(matte grey).

  10. My favorite fountain pen is my pilot prera F! And my favorite ink is always always always Noodler’s Blue Nose Bear.

  11. Of the inks I’ve tried so far, my favorite is Diamine Ancient Copper due to its earthy, old color and its lovely shading. At the moment I have it in a Laban Don Quixote pen (in fine) that is my favorite because I received it as a gift from my grandparents. The ink matches the pen reasonably (a darker brown would probably match better), but I suspect a wider nib would show off the ink more.

  12. Happy fountain pen day and thanks for doing this!
    My favourite pen is a Franklin-Christoph pocket 20 with a broad SIG nib, and my current favourite ink is Diamine Wagner. Can’t wait to try them together.

  13. I’m new to the world of fountain pens and only own 2 Pilot Metropolitan pens; however, I love them! For ink, I like using J. Herbin Amethyst de l’Oural!

  14. My favorite pen is always changing, but right now it’s probably one of my Estie Js with a 9968 nib. My favorite ink is probably vintage Waterman South Sea Blue. Thanks for the giveaway!

  15. My favorite pen will always be the first pen I bought myself after I graduated college, an ST Dupont Fidelio, in Blue Nuit. And right now my favorite ink is Bungbox Piano Mahogany.

  16. My Lamy Accent with Diamine Syrah has been my favorite pairing so far, but the TWSBI Eco with Diamine Oxblood has been treating me well recently.

  17. Favourite ink is diamine golden brown, I don’t even have to think about that. The pen is a bit harder, but I use my pilot penmanship more than any other.

  18. I have many favorite pens, but for the sake of this blog, I will say, Parker Duofold Centennial. And as for ink, I like Kon-Peki.

  19. Favorite ink: Blue Manhattan, a Noodler’s ink exclusive to Fountain Pen Hospital. I love it because a friend got it for me as a gift when he was in NYC. Gifts are always the best.

    Favorite pen: My next one.

  20. This is impossible. Right this minute, I love the Diamine Sunset in my Lamy AL-star Pacific a lot because they go so well together and the sunset ink is really Halloweeny.

  21. My favourite pen is the TWSBI Eco in white with Diamine Ancient Copper! I like the pen because it offers a functional and aesthetically pleasing design at a low price. The ink’s been my favourite for a long time now, and I love its vivid colour and beautiful reddish tones.

    I’ve been longing for a Prera for some time now. Thanks for the giveaway!

  22. Happy Fountain Pen Day! Presently, my favorite fountain pen is the Ensso Piuma, and my favorite ink is the Monteverde California Teal.

  23. I’ve been pleasantly impressed by my humble Pilot Kakuno with Noodler’s Lexington Grey. Daily pen combo! Also, Happy Fountain Pen Day everyone!

  24. Thanks a lot for the giveaway! My favourite pairing is my Conid Minimalistica demonstrator and Diamine Asa Blue.

  25. Thank you for the giveaway! You guys are awesome! Fave for the moment, as it’s my EDC, Platinum Preppy in EF/0.2, inked with Noodler’s X-Feather.

  26. My favorite pen and ink combination is still my first combination, Diamine Grey and the Muji Aluminum fountain pen. Love the industrial feel of that pen and the grey ink is perfect for taking notes.

  27. Nice give away! Favorite pen at the moment is Franklin Christoph Model 19, and my go to ink is Diamine Oxblood.

  28. I’ll go with a Lamy 99/36 OM. It’s got that almost-stubbish character I love. Black resin and gold trim bore me but the nib comes first.

    Favourite ink? Tough question! Today, it’s Diamine Asa Blue.

    Love the blog’s hand size perspective!

  29. Lamy 2000 and, even though I can’t find a reason to use it most of the time, J. Herbin Poussiรจre de Lune.

  30. I have two favorite pens, my Edison Nouveau Premiere and my visconti van Gogh… Both gifts from my sweet husband. My current favorite ink is Organics Studio Nitrogen Blue. But that changes pretty frequently depending on my mood…

  31. My favorite pen and pencil pairing is probably Pilot Vanishing Point, Raden in Galaxy with Sailor Bungubox Hatsukoi. ๐Ÿ™‚

  32. I love my Lamy Al-Star Charged Green with Iroshizuku Chiku-Rin — I’ve now inked it up 3 times with this ink!

  33. Ohhhh my gosh what an amazing giveaway!

    My favourite pen is my Platinum Cool. And favourite ink is Robert Oster Antique Gold. ๐Ÿ™‚

  34. My favorite pen (right now) is my Franklin-Christoph p66 in Italian Ice with a Masuyama Medium stub and inked with Robert Oster Purple Rock. Great Giveaway!

  35. Thank you for the giveaway! My favorite pen so far is my Pelikan M600, and my favorite ink is probably Diamine Terracotta.

  36. Looks like a stellar giveaway. I’d have to go with my Pelikan M400 Brown Tortoiseshell with Robert Oster Fire and Ice.

  37. Thank you for the giveaway! My favourite pen is my Nemosine Singularity Aqua demonstrator with the 0.6 nib. Favourite ink is Noodler’s Inks Black Swan in Australian Roses.

  38. My favorite pen is my Lamy Vista with an M nib. As for favorite ink, thatโ€™s currently Robert Oster Bondi Blue.

  39. Just started my fountain pen journey about a month ago, so it’s a bit tough deciding on my favourite pen and ink ><

    Out of the three pens that I own, my current favourite is the brandless one that I got from our local Daiso. Writes smoothly (despite being on the wet side), and the ease of writing was what pleasantly surprised me into venturing into fountain pens.

    Then I discovered the crazy huge range of inks that are now available to me! Current favourite is the Pelikan 4001 Black, as I've managed to dilute it and put it in my waterbrush to practise brush calligraphy. I'm sure this will change as I've recently gotten a hold of some ink samples ๐Ÿ™‚

  40. Since I’m just getting back into the fountain pen hobby again I don’t have too many pens to choose from. I am quite fond of my Noodler’s Ahab White Pearl which is inked up with Iroshizuku Yama-Budo. That Yama-Budo is gorgeous!

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